Corinthian Mark Lodge No1052 advancement
Corinthian Mark Lodge No1052 held their final meeting of the season on Tuesday 25 April. Corinthian normally holds their meetings on Thursdays at Liverpool Masonic Hall, but with the Provincial meeting being held at Blackpool on the 27th, the Lodge brought the meeting forward, but this gave the Lodge other problems with several of its members being in London to receive Craft and Royal Arch Grand Honours.
Despite these setbacks the Lodge got underway on time. After the Worshipful Master, WBro John Bruffell had opened the meeting and approved the minutes; there were two ballots to take. The first was for a joining member WBro Jorge Perez, Pr.G.Snr Stwd and second for a new member, WBro Ray Parr. Both ballots proved successful and so WBro Jorge Perez entered the lodge and was taken to his new place in the Lodge as Senior Overseer.
The acting Inner Guard, a visitor, WBro Derek Parkinson, (yes, the former craft APGM), announced the candidate, Bro Ray Parr and received him in the proper manner for the Mark Degree. Bro Parr was then placed into the very capable hands of the acting Senior Deacon, WBro Geoff Roberts also a visitor for the rest of the ceremony. WBro John Bruffell carried an enthusiastic and dramatic ceremony.
The Senior Deacon, WBro Geoff Roberts had to save the candidate from three grumpy Overseers; WBro’s, Dave Crowley; Jorge Perez and Alan Parkinson and two blood thirst Wardens; WBro Derek Gaskell, (visitor) and WBro Steve Walls. It all turned out fine when WBro Chris Walls took over the chair from the WM and richly reward Bro Ray Parr. It was an enjoyable ceremony and congratulations must go to WBro John Bruffell; WBro Chris Walls and WBro Geoff Roberts.
Mention must also go to VWBro Eric Hughes another visitor who stood in as Chaplain. At the end of the ceremony Bro Parr was presented to WBro Steve Walls the PGM’s special rep for the Liverpool Mark Lodges to be welcomed into the Mark degree and presented with a letter of welcome from RW Provincial Grand Master, Keith Beardmore.
Next item of business was election of the Worshipful Master and Treasurer for the new season. WBro John Bruffell and WBro Syd Ford were both elected to remain in their respective offices. With the Lodge closed it was time for a fine festive board. We wish Bro Ray Parr and Corinthian Mark Lodge a good summer and successful 2023/2024 season.
We are sad to report the passing of VWBro David Anderton, PGJO, and a member of Corinthian Mark Lodge. Our thoughts and prayers are with David’s family.
Words and pictures by Derek Gaskell